Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blogs I Visited

What I liked in other blogs I visited
Camila, I really like how educational her movie is, so cute too, she drew her own pictures, my gosh!!
Daren, I really like the idea of having a book movie trailer.
Mariah, she created her own music, and she also drew her own pictures…love it!!
Sabrina, I really liked the adventure music and narration.
Marni, really informative to kids
Stepha, amazing using the music as narration….

Digital Storytelling Project

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 3 - Assessment

This week Camila Monteiro and I read and discussed about assessment. Formative and Summative assessment refer to how certain assessments are used. An example of formative assessment could be worksheet, homework, projects, this kind of assessment gives the teacher a chance to how well the student knows about a certain unit of a subject. An example of Summative assessment could be a final test or a final paper, where the teacher sees what students have learned from that unit. We agreed that formative assessment can be used as a summative assessment. An example of that would be a teacher using quizzes she has given during formative assessment to get a final grade. We talked about Standardized Achievement Test which is used to assess the current knowledge the student has and identifies the student's strengths and weaknesses. Standardized Aptitude Test is used to assess future potential or capacity. An example of this are tests usually given for admission or selection to enter a particular school. We also agreed that Standardized Aptitude Test would be more like Norm-referenced tests because they are comparing test scores and knowledge, and Standardized Achievement Tests would be more like Criterion-Referenced Tests because it looks at students strengths and weaknesses. In Alexandria's case Camila and I decided that we would still be concerned although there were some factors that could have somehow affected the low scores of the students. And the scores did improve a little from the past year. So as the principal we would just want to make sure each teacher were doing their job in order for the students to be learning and consequently get better scores. It is important to know how to assess correctly and make it valid and reliable so we can test our students fairly. We need to know what kind of assessment best show what our students know. Parents should know about standardized assessment and what it is testing. They should be aware of their children's scores and need to know the area they did poorly on so they can help them improve.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Web 2.0

wowww I have learned so much today, even though it took me for ever to get everything done, I learned things I didn't even know are out there. Wiki was my favorite thing to do, because I think it will be very useful as a teacher in the future. Goodreads is very interesting, and such a great idea for people talk about books, write reviews, and also find people from all around the world that are reading the same book as you are; however I don't even do face book because I know I won't be logging in, and follow... so just talking about books with my friends is good enough.
I also think that both diigo and google reader are sure great ideas, but I also don't see myself using as much today, perhaps in the future. Maybe it is my fault I don't use as much, maybe I should make a better use of technology...
I think the most difficult thing about this assignment are the screen shots which I haven't done yet!!! I just cannot find this little button on my computer rsrsrsrs

Here is the URL for my wiki

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why do I love education????

Well I love education for many reasons, one could be because I discover a new world everyday, not only but also education let me be closer to children which is a blessing in my life. I also love education because it makes me smarter and smarter..... the only thing I don't really love about education is the amount of assignments................... rsrssrrsrsrs

just a test

I am loving this class.....