Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Web 2.0

wowww I have learned so much today, even though it took me for ever to get everything done, I learned things I didn't even know are out there. Wiki was my favorite thing to do, because I think it will be very useful as a teacher in the future. Goodreads is very interesting, and such a great idea for people talk about books, write reviews, and also find people from all around the world that are reading the same book as you are; however I don't even do face book because I know I won't be logging in, and follow... so just talking about books with my friends is good enough.
I also think that both diigo and google reader are sure great ideas, but I also don't see myself using as much today, perhaps in the future. Maybe it is my fault I don't use as much, maybe I should make a better use of technology...
I think the most difficult thing about this assignment are the screen shots which I haven't done yet!!! I just cannot find this little button on my computer rsrsrsrs

Here is the URL for my wiki

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,

    You did a great job with your wiki. I can see that you figured out how to do the screenshots too. I know that this was probably a hard week worth of work, but you did a great job. I am glad that you liked Goodreads. I am sure that in the future you will uses for other web 2.0 tools as you begin to teach and to work with parents. Web 2.0 is a great way to be connected with parents. You are doing such a great job in the class. :)

