Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 6: Behaviorism

Talking about contiguity learning, Camila Monteiro remembered that in her house, if she had her meals, then she could play outside. At my house, I don’t remember exactly what, but it was related to reading and earning one hour for watching TV. At school, again I don’t really remember much, but I remember earning some field trips as a classroom.

Both Camila and I cannot remember much about effective reinforcements as an elementary school child. It could be either because they did not use as much in Brazil, or because the reinforcements were not that much effective so we cannot remember!!!
We both came to the conclusion that we will for sure use reinforcement schedules in the classroom, probably something related to reading a certain amount per week and earning a prize, or if all students turn in their HW for a whole week, they would earn something special too.

Comparing behaviorism with the gospel pespective of agency, in behaviorism you are trying to control the behavior of the person with a reward or reinforcement to get them to do what you want from them, the stimulus and the reward must happen in a short period of time. The gospel principle of agency is different than that. First of all we do not only obey because of the rewards (blessings), we obey because we believe it is the right thing to do. Also the rewards (blessings) are not always going to happen in a short period of time, it is going to happen when it is going to happen. We are given the right to chose what to do, it does not matter if they are wrong or right, we can choose within the gospel.

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