Thursday, December 10, 2009

Internet Safe Reflection

I choose to read Setting Family Standards for Entertainment by Carla Dalton, Ensign, June 2001, 26–29
She talks about how interesting is that some parents may think they are keeping a safe enough distance from what is inappropriate entertainment, rationalizing our involvement by saying that “just a little won’t hurt” or “it only has one bad part.” She says that standards will deteriorate if parents subject themselves to those influences. How important it is for us, as a parent, a leader, or let’s say as a teacher, or whatever to remain credible in the eyes of our children our students. We cannot justify listening or viewing the kind of entertainment that we have asked our children not to participate in.

In all of our families, we can discuss and identify values and then establish guidelines for using gospel standards to evaluate entertainment choices. We must make our homes a holy place, not a hiding place for entertainment that will lead us away from the Spirit of the Lord. The best way to teach our children correct principle is by example. Thus it must start with us.
I really like when Sister Dalton compares media sources to baby-sitters. She says that they become close companions who repeatedly teach our children to follow value systems that don’t always match our own. We have to watch and guide what type of entertainment is entering our homes.

I watched almost all the videos, I just couldn’t stop watching and sharing with my husband and many friends. I started watching all of the Netsmartz Workshop videos. Then I watched Ikeepsafe Faux Paws, and then Frontline PBS Documentary videos. They were: A Revolution in classrooms and Social Life, Cyberbullying, and
A child predator fear. When I watched the cyberbullying video I was so shocked,and could not believe that are people out there who encourage others to take their own lives. I was even more shocked to see that there are even websites that will teach people what the best way is to kill themselves according to their personalities. I felt so sorry for the boy’s parents. The boy was a victim of internet bullying.

The person I share about the topic already knew a lot about it, but even though he was still shocked. He actually came up with this idea of us sharing this golden piece of information to our whole ward. This was a great assignment, I really enjoyed doing it because this information will not only help me to be more careful with my future children and students, but also will help me to help many of my friends’ families.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Teaching Reflection IP&T 301

Camila and I taught a lesson about motivation. One principle of teaching that we thought about to implement to help within the learning process was activities. When I say activities I mean group work. We also provided opportunities for class discussion, and group discussion, bringing critical thinking opportunities. Assessment was a good part of our lesson. First we had an informal assessment which was a bingo game using terms that we learned during the lesson. Then a formal assessment where the groups had to walk around the classroom answering question that were hanging on the walls.

I believe that our activities and assessments were the strengths of our presentation. I say that because our anticipatory set was very engaging. The whole class was participating and got really interested into the topic because of the activity. We started the lesson asking everybody the following question: “why do you choose to complete academic tasks? After everybody answered on a post-it we categorized them as being either intrinsic motivation, or extrinsic motivation. I am sure that if today I ask any of my classmates what intrinsic or extrinsic is the still remember. The first weakness I think of is not having all the knowledge I wish I could have before teaching. Some questions come up and I did not feel as qualified to answer as I wish. The topic itself was a little confusing, and the text book did not help as much, but I could have been more prepared. Another weakness I think of was spending a little too much time on the power point part and then having to rush during the activities. Instead of only talking, talking, and talking we should have let the students participate more, and figure out by themselves. Also sometimes power points are boring, and people do not really pay attention. I saw two of my classmates asleep, and I don’t blame them!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009